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Anka's memories

It was a good day to clean. When Mom came back she would be disgusted at the pigsty our room had become. I opened her old chest to dust off the cobwebs that would surely be there, SLAM! I had dropped the lid in surprise, that couldn’t be her selkie coat.... Could it? I gave the lid a heave and pushed it all the way open. I reach in and sure enough the first thing I toughed was the soft fur of her selkie coat. I closed my eyes as I felt the memories coming back. It was the last storm before mom left. The Wind whistled through the cracks in the walls and the pounding of the rain on the old roof. Mom had pulled me tightly against her, she knew I didn’t like storms. “Don’t worry,” She had said “Instead we’ll sing a song” Together we began to sing, it was the only song I knew, not words really but just a collection of notes as old as time itself. As the song dwindled to an end I gave mom a hug, I didn’t know it then but it would be the last time I would hug her before she left. I was half asleep as she wrapped the blankets around me… When I had woken up she was gone, this wasn’t unusual. But this time she didn’t come back, I had searched the entire island for her but she was gone. But without her coat she couldn’t talk! Or transform! I had to go find her! I grabbed her coat and dashed out to search the island again, If she was here I would find her.

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